Red Flags: Recognizing Deal Breakers for Progressives

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Whether on a progressive dating app or another type, keeping an eye out for red flags allows you to recognize dealbreakers before they can wreak havoc. This saves you time and frustration and gives you hope that maybe, just maybe, Cupid does know what he’s doing. In general, a few of the red flags worth avoiding include the following:

Someone Set in Their Ways

Everyone is set in their ways to some degree; as people age, they change their minds about certain things. However, it’s likely best to avoid someone so set in their ways that it feels like they’re impersonating cement. The healthiest relationships allow people to grow with each other, which tends to require open-mindedness and consideration of different points of view. 

Someone You Disagree With Politically

Political differences might not be a definite dealbreaker (particularly if your match is open-minded, as mentioned above). Still, regarding topics you’re extraordinarily passionate about, it’s best to find a partner who aligns with your values (something easier to do on a niche dating site). If you’re a strong proponent of gun control, for example, it’ll certainly be hard to date someone who frequents gun shows or NRA conventions. 

Someone Who Invalidates Your Opinions

Even the most perfectly matched partners don’t agree on everything (or don’t agree to the same degree). If you’re passionate about climate change, for instance, you might still mesh well with someone who only thinks about the environment when they’re pulling out the recycling bin. However, this match can only work if they don’t invalidate your opinions. Partners possessing different passions is fine; invalidating each other’s passions is not.

Someone Who Likes to Argue

A relationship without conflict is up there with leprechauns and unicorns: it doesn’t exist. Still, there is a vast difference between a relationship with the occasional spat and a partner who likes to bicker, seeks out drama, and seems to thrive when things are contentious. The former is normal; the latter is the reddest of flags.

Not everyone you meet on a progressive dating site is the ideal match; knowing how to decipher dealbreakers can help ensure you’re paired with a potential partner and not a potential horror story.

TruuBlue is an AI-powered dating app for socially progressive singles. Its focus on issues ranging from pro-choice, climate change, and gun control to immigration laws and LGBTQ protections empowers people to find partners with shared values and passions. 

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