Tips for Connecting with Progressive Singles

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As anyone who’s ever dated knows, meeting people is always challenging. Meeting people you truly connect with? That often feels like finding a needle in a haystack, full of awkward silences and nervous laughter. But if you’re looking to engage in lefty dating, finding the perfect partner might be easier than you think.

In fact, there are several tips for finding fellow progressives, which can increase the odds that sparks will fly once you have a few commonalities under your belt. Consider doing the following: 

Try a Progressive Dating App

Leaving your dating life up to fate puts a lot of pressure on Cupid, who, as those unlucky in love know, tends to sleep on the job. On the other hand, dating apps allow you to grab your dating life by the homepage and determine your destiny. Their convenience, practicality, and popularity make them the number one place to set up a date; 45% of people meet their partners through the World Wide Web.

Consider What Values Are Most Important to You

Meeting people who share your passion for progressive issues all but guarantees you’ll have something in common, perhaps even lots of things. It doesn’t, however, mean you’ll have EVERYTHING in common. Not every lefty defines progressiveness similarly, and not everybody feels the same about every progressive issue. Rather than looking for a date who thinks exactly like you, concentrate on your most important values and look for someone who jibes with those. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Date…A Lot

Locking eyes with someone and knowing, without a doubt, that they’re your soulmate might happen, but it’s often limited to movie lots and TV studios. In real life, reeling in the perfect fish requires a lot of time on the proverbial lake. In other words, don’t be afraid to play the field. Even if you have a terrible meetup (or 20), don’t fret: Fortune favors the bold daters. 

Consider Factors Outside of Politics 

Most people tend to be more attracted to those they agree with politically, but that doesn’t mean your relationship can be based on politics alone. The most well-rounded and solid relationships exist when people have commonalities and shared passions that transcend several categories. You might love those who share your pro-choice passions, for example, but perhaps you also want someone who is pro-Broncos. 

TruuBlue is an AI-powered dating app for socially progressive singles in Colorado. Its focus on issues ranging from pro-choice, climate change, and gun control to immigration laws and LGBTQ protections empowers people to find partners with shared values and passions. 

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